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A Writer in a City of Literature

Mary Paulson-Ellis is not born in Edinburgh, but she is living in the city for almost 40 years. The city has a big influence on her writing: Not only do her most recent works take place in Edinburgh, in this speech she thinks about what it means to be a writer in a city of literature.

Melbourne: City of Literature

David Ryding works for Melbournes City of Literature Office and sees many advantages of the international exchanges in the Creative Cities Network: "We are part of a committed network of Cities who are working together to put creativity in the forefront of conversation about the Cities development." An interview with Annika Depping.

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Heidelberg: City of Literature

Im Sommer reicht Bremen die Bewerbung um den Titel City of LIterature ein. Heidelberg trägt diesen Titel als einzige deutsche Stadt bereits. Wir sind neugierig: Wie verlief dort die Bewerbung? Und was bedeutet es, eine Literaturstadt zu sein? Dr. Andrea Edel ist Koordinatorin der UNESCO City of Literature Heidelberg und stand Annika Depping im Interview Rede und Antwort.

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